The Wasser Agency - A Private Detective Miami Beach South Beach

The Wasser Agency

License# A8500094

Private Investigator in Miami, FL. Surveillance Investigation Miami and Divorce Investigation. South Beach Investigator. Miami Investigator

A Private Detective Miami Beach South Beach

A private investigator (often abbreviated to PI and informally called a private eye), a private detective or inquiry agent, is a person who can be hired by individuals or groups to undertake investigatory law services. Private detectives/investigators often work for attorneys in civil cases.

According to The Division of Licensing which regulates the private detective profession in accordance with Chapter 493, Miami - Florida Statutes a private detective is defined as any individual or agency who, for consideration, advertises as providing or performs the following activities.

  • A Private Detective does Subcontracting with the government to determine crimes or wrongs done or threatened against the United States

  • A Private detective determines the identity, habits, conduct, movements, whereabouts, affiliations, associations, transactions, reputation or character of any society, person, or group of persons

  • A Private Detective the credibility of witnesses or other persons

  • The whereabouts of missing persons, owners of abandoned or escheated property, or heirs to estates

  • The location or recovery of lost or stolen property

  • The causes or origin of fires, libels, slanders, losses, accidents, damage, or injuries to real or personal property

  • Securing evidence to be used before investigating committees or boards of award or arbitration or trial of civil or criminal cases

  • Individuals or agencies providing or advertising as providing these services for consideration must be licensed.

Another definition for a private detective is: someone who delves into things, finds facts, and analyzes information about legal, financial, and personal matters. They offer many services, including verifying people's backgrounds, tracing missing persons, investigating computer crimes, and working with celebrities.

Private detectives typically work for individuals, attorneys, or businesses. Some have their own investigative agency. Private detectives offer many services, based on clients' needs. They may perform pre-employment background checks, look into accusations that someone has been stealing money from a company, or prove/disprove infidelity in a divorce case.

Private detectives use a variety of tools when researching the facts in a case. Much of their work is done with a computer, which allows them to quickly get information, such as records of a person’s prior arrests, telephone numbers, social-networking-site details, and emails. They make phone calls to verify facts, such as a person's income and place of employment. They also interview people when conducting a background investigation. Detectives may go undercover, pretending to be someone else to go unnoticed, to get information, or to observe a suspect.

Detectives also conduct surveillance when investigating a case. They may watch a site, such as a person's home or office, often from an inconspicuous location or a vehicle. Using photographic and video cameras, binoculars, and global positioning systems (GPS), detectives gather information on persons of interest.

Detectives and investigators must be mindful of the law when conducting investigations, and have a good understanding of federal and local laws, such as the privacy laws. However, as the legality of certain methods may be unclear, investigators and detectives must make use of good judgment when deciding how to pursue a case. They must collect evidence properly so that it can be used legally in court.

Private detectives work in a wide variety of environments, depending on the case they are working on. Some spend more time in their offices conducting computer searches and making phone calls. Others spend more time in the field, conducting interviews or doing surveillance. Surveillance can be time-consuming.

Detectives generally work alone, but they may work with others while conducting surveillance or following a subject. Some of the work involves confrontation, so the job can be stressful and dangerous. Some situations, such as certain bodyguard assignments for corporate or celebrity clients, call for the detective to be armed. In most cases, however, a weapon is not necessary because the private detectives and investigators’ main purpose is information gathering, not law enforcement or criminal apprehension.

Owners of investigative agencies have the added stress of having to deal with demanding, and sometimes distraught, clients. Private detectives often work irregular hours because they need to conduct surveillance and to contact people outside of normal work hours. They may work early mornings, evenings, weekends, and holidays. In addition, they may have to work outdoors, or from a vehicle, in all kinds of weather.

Characteristics of a good Private Detective


A good private detective is typically careful, quiet, and pays close attention to detail. Following a set of rules appeals to private detectives as they like to feel secure and certain. They prefer to carry out tasks assigned by others rather than take on a leadership role. They are typically neat, tidy, and enjoy working with data in structured settings.


A good private detective must be a natural leader. They should be excellent problem solvers and enjoy sales and management roles. This type of person is extroverted, and while they may seem restless or irresponsible, their energy and ability to take risks are the reason many projects get started and stay successful.


A realistic person is someone who is very body-oriented. This individual enjoys using their hands and eyes to solve practical problems. They like doing outdoor, mechanical, and physical activities. It’s very natural for a realistic person to relate to the physical world, this type of person usually does not deal with problems concerning ideas, data, or people, but rather, they like to concentrate on problems they can solve with their hands.

Good private detectives are always honest and ethical. A private detective must be careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks. A private detective must be reliable, responsible, and dependable. It is important for a private detective to be able to fulfill obligations.

Most private detectives learn on the job. Although new detectives must learn how to gather information, additional training depends on the type of firm that hires them. For instance, at an insurance company, a new detective will learn to recognize insurance fraud. Learning by doing, where new detectives are put on cases and gain skills as they go, is a common approach. Corporate detectives hired by large companies, however, may receive formal training in business practices, management structure, and various finance-related topics.

Postsecondary courses in criminal justice and political science are helpful to aspiring private detectives and investigators. Although previous work experience is generally required, some people enter the occupation directly after graduating from college with an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or police science.

Corporate Detectives typically need a bachelor’s degree. Coursework in finance, accounting, and business is often preferred. Because many financial detectives have an accountant’s background, they typically have a bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field.

Many computer forensics detectives need a bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as computer science or criminal justice. Many colleges and universities now offer certificate programs in computer forensics, and others offer a bachelor’s or a master’s degree. Because computer forensics specialists need both computer skills and investigative skills, extensive training may be required. Many computer forensic detectives learn their trade while working for a law enforcement agency, where they are taught how to gather evidence and to spot computer-related crimes. Many people enter law enforcement to get this training and to establish a reputation before moving on to the private sector.

Private detectives typically have previous work experience. Some have worked for insurance or collections companies, as paralegals, in finance, or in accounting. Many detectives enter the field after serving in law enforcement, the military, or federal intelligence jobs. These people, who frequently are able to retire after 25 years of service, often become private detectives or investigators as a second career.

Because laws change, job seekers should verify the licensing laws related to private detectives with their jurisdiction and locality in which they want to work. There are no licenses specifically for computer forensic detectives, but some places require them to be licensed, private detectives. Even in localities where licensure is not required, having a private detective license is useful because it allows computer forensic detectives to do follow-up and related investigative work.

How to contract a Private Detective

Decide what you want the Private detective to do. Private detectives can track down all kinds of people and information, but their skills will vary. Some are good at following people or digging up information, while others can track down someone or something. Before you start looking, you need to be clear about what kind of work you want the Private detective to do so you can find someone with the right skills and equipment.

Private detectives can provide a variety of services, including background checks, tracking down child support or custody, providing electronic and video surveillance, or tracking down individuals. You can hire a private detective to help with legal proceedings, including gathering more information for use at a trial, or to provide you with information that may lead to legal actions.

Look for someone. Once you know what you are looking for, start looking for names. Start with referrals, people who have used a Private detective in the past. If you don’t know anyone who has hired a Private detective before, start by flipping through a phone book, or searching for detectives in your area using an internet search engine or services like The Wasser Agency in Miami Beach and South Beach area in Florida.

Once you have some names, take a look and see if they have websites, which will allow you to learn more than just seeing a line in the phone book. Most sites will list the business’ skills and services, which should help narrow down your list of people to consider.

Private Detectives who are good at looking for information will do much of their work in an office, using the internet and telephone to track people down. This can be a useful service, though less so if you want a Private Detective to follow someone for surveillance.

Make sure you also consider your location. If you want to track down someone you think is in Miami Beach or South Beach, hiring a Private Detective near you in New York will be less helpful than contacting one already in Miami Beach.

Check references. Once you have found a Private Detective, make sure to ask him for references. These are people that you can trust who will vouch for the detective’s skills and ability. Once you have some references, follow up and check. Hiring a private detective isn’t something you should do lightly, so make sure you know the person you are talking to.

Good references to talk to include the duty agent of your local FBI office, a clerk at your county’s police department, the watch commander of the sheriff’s department, detectives working in the District Attorney’s office, and criminal defense lawyers.

Ask for a license. Most states require that PIs be licensed by the state. Each state has different rules and requirements for a license, so the standards will vary. Still, if your state requires a license, the Private Detectives you look at should have them.

License information is available through your state’s licensing board, so it should not be difficult to track down. Additionally, when you call the PI, they should be able to give you the licensing number. This licensing body should also be able to provide you with information about any complaints against the detective.

Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and South Dakota do not require licensing for private detectives. Colorado has a state license, but it is voluntary, so your Private Detective may not have one.

If you need to track a person down, keep an eye on someone’s activities, or otherwise learn information, you may be thinking about hiring a private detective (PD). With so many choices out there, hiring the right private detective can seem like a daunting task. You want someone you are comfortable talking to who can get the information you want. At the Wasser Agency in Miami Beach or South Beach, the state of Florida we offer you this and more, you can find the best private detectives to conduct your investigation. Contact us for professional investigation work with licensed detectives specialized in different types of investigations.