The Wasser Agency - Catch cheaters Miami Beach South Beach

The Wasser Agency

License# A8500094

Private Investigator in Miami, FL. Surveillance Investigation Miami and Divorce Investigation. South Beach Investigator. Miami Investigator

Catch cheaters Miami Beach South Beach

Investigator agency in Miami Beach and South Beach

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Although requests for divorce investigations have fallen considerably since the Law on Divorce Express was passed (it is not necessary to argue anything to file a divorce petition), requests for investigations from private eye agencies in the family remain a high percentage of the services we offer in Miami Beach. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Today, the actions of the investigators focus mainly on processes of modification of measure, that is, to look for reliable facts that can be provided as expert evidence in a trial. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Keep in mind that only private eyes are those who can ratify their testimonies about private investigations in court and their reports are decisive evidence in the resolution of their case. in which an investigation can be requested. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Compensatory and food pension

Investigators focus on finding evidence that proves what the income of the spouse is, focusing the investigations on their assets, economic and employment situation. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Sometimes, it is uncovered that the couple is actually working more hours than the declared or income whose existence was unknown. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


Scheme of visits of children and custody

The investigators conduct a thorough inspection so that the Courts of Miami Beach decide which father is the most suitable to have the custody of the children. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

We also investigate if all the obligations with the minor are met, to request a modification of custody measures in the event that this is not the case. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


Gender violence

The services provided by our investigator agency are highly effective to certify that the restraining order is observed or to monitor the abuser. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Recommendations for hiring a private eye

If you are in need of the services of a Private eye, we suggest 7 recommendations that you should consider before hiring:

1. Never start the investigation on your own or send a family member to do it for you

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It is very likely that the investigation will be discovered and "burned" by putting the researcher on alert, this would greatly dictate the possibility of obtaining the desired information. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Remember that in the U.S the only professional authorized by the Ministry of the Interior to carry out any private investigation is the Investigator. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.



2. Check the Professional Identity Card (TIP) that the investigator must possess.

You must make sure that the investigator you have contacted is an authorized professional trained by the Ministry of the Interior. An authorized investigator must have his TIP. It is a card issued by the General Directorate of the Police that enables it for the development of its investigator functions. This aspect is very important so that it does not "fall into the hands" of people who are masquerading as the Private eye (professional intrusion). . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


3. Choose who inspires you the most

not the cheapest offer. You should not look for the professional who does the "cheapest" research. We know that the economy is an important factor. But remember that the investigator will provide personal or business information of a sensitive or condemn nature. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

So you should have full confidence in it and not get carried away by the cheapest proposal. Remember what they say, "sometimes the cheap is expensive".. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


4. Do not hire the first investigator to contact.

We recommend contacting different investigator agencies to compare them and then decide which one to work with. It is important that you are satisfied and satisfied with the research that is being done. And even more so with the professional who develops it. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


5. Investigators with experience.

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Each investigation is different and they tend to be more complex than they really seem and at first. It is important to hire a Private eye with experience in the type of investigation to be carried out. That is able to control the infinity of variables that can influence an investigation. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


6. Establish synergies between your lawyer and the investigator.

In order to get the best possible performance to the investigation. It is recommended that the lawyer participates in the planning of the investigation. Especially in setting the objectives of the information and evidence needed for decision making by you or for your contribution in a decisive and favorable to a judicial process. Obtaining evidence or evidence is essential to reach a judicial decision in our favor. Or to place ourselves in a position of privileged negotiation. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


7. Be Advised

Remember that when hiring a Private eye you are hiring a private research professional with knowledge and experience. Success to be able to perform your research in the best way possible and thus be able to obtain the evidence you need. Should allow advice by the professional. Although you have your own idea of ow to carry out the investigation or how to obtain information and/or evidence that you need. Do not forget that the Private eye is the expert and although you will hear the arguments that you. expose and take into account their points of view, you should let yourself be advised as the professional is the true connoisseur of all the ramifications and legal and practical consequences that can be derived from any investigation. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


Private Investigation Services

1. The accreditation, by the applicant of the investigation service, of a legitimate interest. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


2. Under no circumstances may intimate life be investigated, nor may personal, material or technical means be used in this type of service in such a way as to violate the right to honor, to personal or family privacy, or to one's own image, or to the secret of communications, or data protection. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


3. The offices of investigators and private eyes in charge of investigations will watch over the rights of their clients with respect to those of the subjects investigated. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.



4. The private investigation services will be executed with respect to the principles of reasonableness, necessity, suitability and proportionality. A Private eye, after having a meeting with a possible client in which he exposes firsthand the objectives of the investigation to be carried out, will verify that said required investigation is within those contemplated in the Private Security Law. Next, the Private eye having accredited the legitimate interest on behalf of the client, proceeds to the firm of a service contract where all the necessary data to carry out the investigation will be recorded. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

The client must provide all the data and information possible. It is important to note that the more data you provide to the Private eye, the more help you will give to the investigation and even help to reduce the time it takes. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Every Private eye is aware that any research is aimed at obtaining useful and operational information that can provide the necessary data for decision-making both at a private and business level. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Once the service provider contract has been signed between the Private eye and the client, apart from checking the information provided by the client, the first step to start an investigation is to search for information in open sources, such as search engines. Web type Google, since any information that we can obtain in these sources will be of great help at the time of preparing the case. Likewise, the Private eye will begin to collect data, information, documentation, etc ... through more complex or specialized sources and through operational or field management. Once the phase of a collection of information, it proceeds to the analysis of the same in order to turn it into intelligence or useful information. Thus, once all the information is finalized, we will be able to structure the work to be followed and determine the means to be used. Logical decisions can be made on how to focus the field research. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Once we have determined the human resources to be used and the physical, technical and telematics mean necessary to approach the investigation, together with the client, the service to be performed is planned, schedules, dates, places, etc.... Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


How much to pay for an infidelity investigator | Private infidelity investigations

If you are in the U.S and you need to get some information about your partner to check some infidelity, you must cautiously hire a private eye in infidelity, belonging to the Wasser, because they are a group of qualified people worldwide, guaranteeing a good job. They provide the best research service in the entire city, as they have the best investigator instruments in the market, in addition to having the most capable group of high-level professionals, at the best price in the U.S. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


We have always wondered how much money is what must be paid for the services provided by a private eye of infidelity, belonging to the Wasser Investigators. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.



When hiring a private eye we always want him to be the best in all possible aspects, but we always ask ourselves how to get it? Well we must investigate which, with the investigator agencies of greater renown and prestige, one of them for example is the Group Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


The Wasser Investigators, which is recognized as one of the best research organizations in the U.S, because they have the best technological equipment on the market so far, the most qualified and trained professionals and with a set of establishments throughout the entire Spanish territory. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


The director and creator of the Wasser, has all the conditions worthy of a professional because apart from having a broad curriculum is also a high-level computer with great skills and skills for technology, is a great private eye with many years of experience and also has the knowledge related to the private security environment. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


If you want to hire the services provided by a private eye, belonging to The Wasser Investigators, you should only go to our facilities and request the service you want. Discretion is our best ally since it is the essence of a competent private eye and that is why in our organization always act with discretion. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

The costs of a private eye of infidelities usually fluctuate according to the service required, the person that needs to be mobilized, the work tools used, the hours of work invested, the time in which the work is carried out, the difficulty of the work and the season of the year. It is for this reason that there is no fixed price for the public. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Now you do not necessarily have to pay a fortune to hire a good private eye of infidelities, it is a mistake to think that the higher the cost, the better the service. Our company has the lowest prices of all the competition and we are one of the most prestigious companies in the whole country, with a large number of satisfied customers throughout the world who blindly recommend our services. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

So if you want a job well done at the best cost do not hesitate to hire our services. Do not pay a fortune for a service that our company can offer you up to almost half the price of the competition. Our service is totally guaranteed. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

5 Signs to Detect an Infidelity:

Now, the question we all ask ourselves is; How can we detect that our partner is unfaithful ?. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


From our professional experience, we mentioned 5 signs to detect an Infidelity, always according to our investigator perspective:


1. Change of Attitude.

Usually when our partner is unfaithful, there is usually a change of attitude towards us. Does he avoid questions like How was your day? Where have you been? They often confuse a couple's interest with control. His mood is usually bipolar, changing emotions without reason. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


2. The decrease in sexual activity.

A person who is being unfaithful is often not receptive to having sex with his partner, excusing himself with fatigue, lack of encouragement or work stress. It should be noted that many infidelities are due to a low sexual life in the couple, which causes the search for a third person to satisfy this need. We should also be alert to possible changes in sexual behavior. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


3. Behavior changes.

When using new technologies such as mobile, laptop, tablet, Internet, etc ... the "unfaithful" person becomes more cautious with their privacy. If your partner has always been one of those who had no problem in letting you see your mobile. It allowed him to look Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

your email or your social networks. One clue to possible indelibility is that for no apparent reason they become more suspicious of your privacy. Change the passwords in the mobile, in the computer, always delete the history of visited pages, use the incognito mode ... they are details to observe. As also the fact that now they no longer like to be watched by their mobile phones or try to control them through social networks. Sometimes they are even "vigilant" while recharging these devices to prevent anyone from snooping. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

Other Behaviors of the Possible Infidel


Although there are many examples that can be listed. Other new behaviors, not denial, of the possible "infidelity". They can be removing the sound of calls or notices from different networks or messaging services like, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. Have installed in your mobile device contacts application, visits to websites of this theme for sexual encounters or to meet another person. Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.

These new communication systems facilitate personal relationships. Thus the mobile has become an extension of the person and we are hardly going anywhere without him. But how the counterpart allows us to discover many of our behaviors, relationships or changes in habits. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


4. Change of social environment.

The circle of friends changes or expands. It begins to exclude the couple in some way, shows greater concern for the physical aspect, is arranged and cared for more, the wardrobe is renewed..... Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.


5. Unexpected and suspicious expenses.

One way to detect infidelities, according to investigators, is to check that there have been unexpected or strange expenses such as restaurants, hotels, new clothes, etc ... Be wary if these expenses were not common before. It is usual for

private eyes to investigate an infidelity, find us with expenses in gifts, trips and restaurants. . Catch cheaters Miami  Beach South Beach.





13611 South Dixie Suite #560 Highway Miami, FL, 33176

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