The Wasser Agency - Detective Service Miami Beach South Beach

The Wasser Agency

License# A8500094

Private Investigator in Miami, FL. Surveillance Investigation Miami and Divorce Investigation. South Beach Investigator. Miami Investigator

Detective Service Miami Beach South Beach

The private security and service detective service industry in Miami Beach South Beach is at least double the size of public police services, and while there has been some research on security detective and crowd controllers, very little is known about “inquiry detectives” or private detective. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

The authors estimate that there are about 25,000 private detectives in Miami Beach South Beach, and this study, based on 40 in-depth interviews in Miami Beach South Beach, is a first attempt to assess what detective service Miami Beach South Beach includes, how effective detective Miami Beach South Beach are, the legal and ethical issues facing private detectives, and how their efforts can be maximized by their clients, most notably agencies affected by fraud. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

While more work needs to be undertaken with a larger random sample in Miami Beach South Beach to develop an ongoing research base, this paper provides an important description of the activities of those interviewed, and the finding from this sample that for every dollar spent on an investigation, between $3 and $6 are saved in uncovering fraud. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

The private security detective service industry in Miami Beach South Beach comprises (among others) a variety of security detective, crowd controllers, private detective, process servers (serving legal documents) and debt recovery detectives, the latter two often licensed together as “commercial detectives”.

Consideration of the work of “inquiry detectives” (or “private detectives”) leads to a number of questions addressed in this research project. What is the size of this service sector? What are its main functions? How effective is their service in Miami Beach South Beach? Does it satisfy exclusively private, self-interested ends or does it make a broader contribution to society through their service in Miami Beach South Beach? Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

To what extent do detective service industry detectives conform to legal and professional standards of conduct? Is there a need for greater regulation on their service? Should the detective service industry be given more powers to do its work?

A three-part research method was developed to find answers to these questions.

  1. In order to obtain a picture of the size and occupational categories of the detective service industry, regulatory agencies in Miami Beach South Beach were contacted to gauge the number of license-holders. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.
  1. Interviews were conducted with a detective in Miami Beach South Beach. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. These states have seen considerable scandal and reform in the detective service industry in the last two decades. Interviews were conducted because they allow for in-depth questioning and because detective service in Miami Beach South Beach tend to be poor respondents to mail-out questionnaires (Gill & Hart 1997).

Respondents were pursued through an opportunity method following recommendations from relevant professional associations (the Miami Beach South Beach Institute of Private Detective and the Institute of Mercantile Detectives) and from listings in the Yellow Pages. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. Opinions were sought across a range of specializations. A total of 40 interviews form detectives were conducted, 15 in Miami Beach South Beach.

All 40 respondents had Private Detective licenses (in Miami Beach South Beach, “Private Inquiry Agent”) and 15 had Commercial Agent licenses.

  1. The information gathered in steps 1 and 2 above was supplemented with a literature search to identify key documentary source material, including inquiries into the sector. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

Whichever way one looks at these figures, there is a substantial number of private detectives operating in Miami Beach South Beach. Their work must, therefore, be seen as a significant service specialist component of the complex and evolving network of government and nongovernment participants in crime containment (Grabosky 1992). Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

What Do Private Detectives service in Miami Beach South Beach Offer? Of the 40 people interviewed for this project, 80 percent were owners or directors of firms. The typical profile was for a principal to employ a secretary or administrative officer and then subcontract specialist tasks (such as surveillance) to single operators.

Only a few interviewees were in larger detective service firms with more than five employees. The sample presented a very mixed work profile. The larger detective service firms tended to provide diverse services, but with the bulk of work in surveillance or factual investigations in Miami Beach South Beach. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. A small number of firms were highly specialized. Only one concentrated on “personal work”, such as searching for missing persons and locating heirs. Another specialized in criminal work, including investigation of extortion and robberies.

Other firms tended to concentrate on process serving and debt recovery. In terms of changes in the nature of private detective service work in Miami Beach South Beach, two key trends were identified. The first was a major shift, over the period from the 1970s to the 1990s, away from “domestic” work towards insurance fraud. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.  “Gone are the days when we chased people for divorces, taking photos”, said one interviewee.

The introduction of no-fault divorce was a major factor in Miami Beach South Beach. Of greater significance was a profound change in the insurance detective service industry’s response to suspect claims. Interviewees claimed that previous practice was to accept most claims and avoid adverse publicity. However, during the 1980s increasing competition and frustration with the level of suspected fraud led to a well-organized system of claims assessment and referral of suspect claims to detective.

The growth in insurance work in Miami Beach South Beach was also driven by a second major change identified by interviewees: the use of hidden video cameras. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. The fact that “the camera doesn’t lie” (at least in most cases) makes for crucial objective evidence of fraud, especially for disability insurance. The following approximate four-way division of labor emerged from the interviews:

  • Anti-fraud work, mainly for insurance, including factual and surveillance work in Miami Beach South Beach. For factual matters, the process usually begins with interviewing the claimant, establishing a record of interview, and then making further inquiries if necessary. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. Most surveillance work follows the same routine: the client provides a profile of suspect claims, with documentation such as medical reports, and the detective then does a standard 20- or 30-hour surveillance and tracking of the person. Insurance work includes investigating stolen vehicles, accidents, arson and welfare fraud.
  • Legal work in Miami Beach South Beach involves background or “factual work” for lawyers in civil, and some criminal, cases. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

This largely entails locating and interviewing witnesses or claimants. In some cases, detectives will locate and analyze forensic evidence, such as documents. Another aspect of legal work is the serving of legal summonses direct to the recipient (process service).

  • The commercial inquiry is a growing area of service for a private detective in Miami Beach South Beach. Businesses are turning to a private detective to undertake electronic countermeasures (debugging), liability investigations, workplace investigations into theft or harassment, and pre-employment checks. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. A growing area is trademark and copyright violation. An associated area of work is that of repossession and debt collection to enforce legal contracts. Although often termed “commercial inquiry”, much of this work can just as easily be done for the government as for business.
  • The final area is domestic investigation service in Miami Beach South Beach. This can include checking partner fidelity in personal relationships, abducted child recoveries, and missing person inquiries. In terms of practical skills, there appears to be a sharp division between detective who conducts surveillance work and those who conduct factual inquiries. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. Inquiry work was considered by interviewees to be the most interesting.

Respondents emphasized the need for good oral and written communication skills, and a strong sense of what counts as evidence. Surveillance operatives were considered a special breed of hardy and tenacious types. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.  “Few people can do it well”, observed one veteran. “A good indication is if you can get into your car in summer and sit in the driveway for about four hours.” Traffic lights were the main source of frustration for surveillance operatives because tailing vehicles is a critical element of their work.

Extreme patience is an obvious quality required in order to sit for up to 10 hours at a time in a cramped vehicle, urinating in a bottle and observing premises where nothing may happen for days. Most investigation works were not considered dangerous, especially if detectives had good verbal skills. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. Process serving and debt recovery were seen as the riskiest. This work often involves direct confrontation with people in extreme financial trouble. Repossession of vehicles and furniture can at times lead to heated confrontations, and some respondents had been subject to numerous attempted assaults.

How Effective Are Private Detectives? Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

Interviewees were extremely positive about the services they provided to clients. They generally estimated that they were able to obtain concrete results in 70 to 90 percent of cases. This was assessed in terms such as recovery of losses, dropping of suspect insurance claims, criminal convictions, employment termination of offenders or locating people. Many disputed insurance claims are settled by the withdrawal of the claim following the disclosure of video evidence.

A number of surveillance operators claimed an approximate minimum saving of $6 for every $1 spent on an investigation. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. Similarly, some detective estimated that a minimum of $3 is saved for every $1 spent on a factual investigation that uncovers fraud.

This investigation work needs to be set in the context of Miami Beach South Beach’s enormous fraud problem. In its most recent survey, the Insurance Council of Miami Beach South Beach (1998) estimated that insurance fraud cost approximately $800 million in 1995–96. The size of Miami Beach South Beach’s welfare fraud problem prompted the Commonwealth Government to initiate an anti-fraud scheme in 1999. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. The scheme involved contracting out surveillance work on suspicious cases that were resistant to formal investigations.

Private agent work can also involve a very personal dimension. Many interviewees took satisfaction from helping clients in difficult circumstances. One gave the example of a client who had been stalked for two years. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.  “Now they can sleep at night”, he asserted. The large majority of respondents also had very positive views of the wider contribution they made to society. Some saw themselves as champions of the honest worker by keeping down costs resulting from fraudulent insurance claims or debt evasion:

With every debtor that we can locate and induce to pay their debts, we’re helping members of the public…You’re assisting him recover his debts and prevent him passing on his losses to the public. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. There is a lack of appreciation by the public of the professionalism of the detective service industry and the benefits of fraud prevention and the benefits to the taxpayer of stopping fraud against the government.

About half of the interviewees in Miami Beach South Beach reported referring matters to police for criminal prosecution, and all respondents were strongly in favor of doing more work for the public-sector justice system. Many argued that they could do a range of tasks, such as searching for missing persons in Miami Beach South Beach, conducting surveillance in Miami Beach South Beach, executing search warrants in Miami Beach South Beach, attending burglary scenes or investigating traffic accidents in Miami Beach South Beach, just as well as and more cheaply than police from Miami Beach-South Beach. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. The following is an example of cooperation between police and private detective.

We assisted the police from Miami Beach-South Beach fairly recently in an attempted murder, quite a violent assault, where there was only two detectives working on the matter and the family of the victim said “This is taking too long. How can we help you?” And the police of Miami Beach South Beach said, well, [we the private investigation service firm] are able to do surveillance, door knocking around the street in Miami Beach South Beach and so on. And the family came to us and the first thing we said to them was, “We can probably assist you if the police wanted us to. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. But we’re certainly not police officers and we can only do what the police ask us to do.” We went to see the police who were only too happy to have someone on board. It ended with an arrest. It ended up very successful.

Although most respondents from Miami Beach-South Beach perceived that a great deal of the demand for their services was a result of government neglect of law enforcement, they also were clear that privacy was a factor that motivated some clients. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach.

One respondent from Miami Beach-South Beach cited the example of parents wanting to know if their children were on drugs: “If they are, then they can get them on a program. Police would have to prosecute.” Others emphasized the personal service they could provide and continuity of case management and communication that is not usually available from even the best police department. Detective service Miami Beach South Beach. The contractual nature of the work gave victims a degree of input, if not control, which was not possible in public-sector processes in Miami Beach South Beach.