The Wasser Agency - Factual Investigator Miami Beach South Beach

The Wasser Agency

License# A8500094

Private Investigator in Miami, FL. Surveillance Investigation Miami and Divorce Investigation. South Beach Investigator. Miami Investigator

FActual investigator miami beach south beach

A factual investigation may be required by a business person, business organization or individual for a number of reasons. Factual investigations are the gathering of written evidence and the recording of oral evidence to determine facts for the purpose of court action, with the evidence obtained to be determined by a judge, jury or both.


Our factual investigators are highly trained and to ensure the best possible outcome of each investigation, our director acts as the investigation manager on every job. Our CAPI licensed investigators specialize in conducting fact-finding investigations into a number of areas, including:


  • common law matters,
  • workplace harassment and bullying,
  • income protection and life insurance,
  • Public liability, recovery claims and worker’s compensation.

Insurance Fraud

Compulsory third party insurance claims are another area our investigators specialize in and we’ve conducted a number of vehicle accident investigations for our valued clients. Fraudulent third party insurance claims burden car owners with unnecessary costs, raise their insurance premiums and often make obtaining insurance policies difficult. By working with our investigators you’re empowered to get to the bottom of a fraudulent claim.

Marital Infidelity

Marital infidelity is a sensitive subject and our investigators with law enforcement and military backgrounds specialize in conducting investigations into marital infidelity with the utmost sensitivity. Evidence and testimonies are often required for presentation in court, and with a wealth of experience in tracking individuals to interview, we can assist with the written or oral testimonies required for an impending court hearing.

Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach is the stuff of legends, subjects of romance and heroes of the silver screen, the small screen, and the radio. Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach have been glorified by the likes of Magnum, PI, Sherlock Holmes, Jake Gittes and Sam Spade. More practically speaking, though, factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach represent a great job choice for those looking for careers in criminology and criminal justice.

History of Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach

The early history of criminology is also largely a history of people taking matters into their own hands.

It has only been relatively recently that society saw the need for a modern police force and investigators as we now know it. Even so, the public was still distrustful of uniformed police officers and agencies, and the expense of starting up brand new police departments was cost prohibitive for most governments, including that of the United States.

Very quickly, industrious private citizens saw an opportunity to fill in the gap by providing services that police were too busy, too legally constrained, or simply too poor to provide. Factual investigators and security services began to appear in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Many of these services were lead or staffed by formers factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach from larger police departments and sometimes were seen as direct competitors with regular law enforcement.

Nonetheless, their services were continued to be utilized, and at times factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach were even contracted by government entities to provide protection, security, and investigative functions.

Factual Investigator Miami Beach South Beach

Perhaps the most notable of these was the Pinkerton National Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach Agency, which handled security and private investigative services for the federal government, manufacturing corporations and railroads across the U.S.

Today, factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach are a far cry from the action-filled exploits and intrigue of their fictional representations.

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach are, however indispensable in the services factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach provide, from fighting fraud, finding missing people and detecting crimes.

What Do Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach Do?

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach work in a variety of environments for a variety of different clients. Individual factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may have a specific specialty, such as forensic computer factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach or forensic investigators accountant, or factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may provide general investigative functions.

A vast majority of the job of factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach is information gathering and fact-finding. This may be accomplished by investigators through computer searches, surveillance, conducting interviews and even going undercover.

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may conduct follow-up investigations of already closed criminal cases. Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may also be called to look into instances of insurance and worker's compensation fraud. In these instances, factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may spend a great deal of time surveilling suspects to catch them in the act or collect solid evidence that proves their guilt.

The job of factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach often includes:

Performing surveillance. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Preparing reports. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Conducting background checks. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Interviewing people. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Intelligence gathering. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Providing security and investigators work services. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Assisting in locating missing persons. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Providing courtroom testimony. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may work for security or investigators consulting firms, private corporations or law firms. Individuals may contract out their services to clients.

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach must walk a fine line, and through factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach are not government agents, the information factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach gather may be used later for criminal investigations. For this reason, it is important that like police factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach, factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach adhere to established rules of evidence.

What Education and Skills Are Required for Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach?

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach jobs are one of the many great criminal justice and criminology careers that don't require a degree.

However, prior experience in a related field may be beneficial and at times required to advance in any factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach career.

For factual investigators relevant work experience can include past employment as a loss prevention specialist, a police officer, or factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach. In fact, jobs as factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach can be great second careers for former law enforcement officers or great ways to get started in other criminal justice careers.

Most states require factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach to be licensed. Specific licensing requirements vary from state to state but may include attending a private investigation course or school, testing, and a background investigation. A concealed weapons permit may also be required for factual investigators.

Aspiring factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach must have strong interpersonal communication skills and must be able to interpret, analyze and evaluate evidence. Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach must also have strong writing skills and the ability to think quickly and solve problems.

Though a degree isn't required for factual investigators, one can never underestimate the value of a college education in any criminology career. Earning a degree in criminal justice can provide a good background for learning proper procedures and investigative skills for investigators.

How Much Money Can Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach Earn?

According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook, careers in private investigations are expected to grow at a rate of 21 percent through 2020, which is faster than the average for all job categories.

The increased demand for investigators is expected to be due largely to the increased demand for security services, employment background investigations and forensic computer and cybersecurity services.

The lowest 10 percent of factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach may earn as low as $25,000 per year. The highest 10 percent can expect to earn around $75,000. Salary will vary by agency, expertise, and location.

Is a Career as a Factual investigator Miami Beach South Beach Right for You?

If you enjoy work of investigators, or if you are looking for a great second career after working in law enforcement, factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach career may be a great choice.

Private investigations can offer ways to help others and augment law enforcement services. Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach can also be a great way to break into a job as a police officer or factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach. You may just find that working as factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach is the perfect criminology career for you.

Situations Where You DO NOT Need a State License. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Wherever you work as factual investigators, you will need to be properly trained in a variety of investigative assignments to work effectively as a Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach, and you will probably want to get a license sometime during your factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach career, but for now you do not need a license for the following:

To work in factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach agency in your local area: As soon as you complete your DTI course of investigators (only 3-6 months on average) you can immediately start working in a factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach agency, under the owner's license, and begin earning between $20-$40 per hour while accumulating the mandatory hours towards your state’s experience requirement at the same time.

You will conduct the same interesting assignments that a licensed factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach does, including surveillances, background checks, undercover assignments, insurance fraud, and testifying in court -- all under the direct supervision of the owner/licensed factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach. In fact, many factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach prefer to work for an agency rather than starting their own which is a perfectly acceptable career goal.

To work as factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach in a private organization: You may work as factual insurance investigators Miami Beach South Beach, corporate or retail factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach, or as a legal factual investigator Miami Beach South Beach in a law firm under the supervision of an attorney.

To engage in similar fields of private investigation: You do not need investigators license to do process serving, online research, installation of hidden videos, and other related activities. You will learn about these in your course. These businesses will allow you to perform many of the same functions as a licensed factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach, including conducting surveillance, serving legal papers, tracking missing persons for process service, installing hidden videos to protect children from abusive babysitters, etc. These businesses will also give you the opportunity to network and provide your services to other licensed factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach, clients, attorneys, and the courts and begin building trust and forming new relationships.

Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach, or PIs, are private citizens with various types of training and experience. Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach gather evidence in civil and criminal cases for lawyers, insurance companies and suspicious spouses, among others. While it's not as glorious as the TV shows make it out to be, it can still be an exciting career.


should perhaps ask the question: what exactly is a factual investigator Miami Beach South Beach?

The Factual stereotype investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

The fact that you’re reading this article suggests that you may seriously be considering becoming factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach. So what has attracted you to this line of work?

You may have an image of factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach in your head; a stereotype based on something you’ve read about in a novel or seen in a movie. Well, I’m sorry to dispel your perception, but we come in all shapes and sizes. Factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach are both male and female and can be of any age. I suppose if we did all fit the stereotype, it would rather defeat the object.

So please don’t be put off if you think you don’t think you fit the image that is misleadingly considered to be a ‘typical’ factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach; there is no such thing. If you have an enquiring mind, a keen eye-for-detail and excellent people skills, then, with the correct training, there is no reason why you can’t become a skilled factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach.

The Factual reality investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

This industry does not suit everyone. If you are looking for a nine-to-five, 40 hour a week job, then I suggest you stop reading now. The work of factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach can often be mundane, sometimes involving routine elements which serve only to eliminate issues. However, the satisfaction, and even elation, experienced when the final pieces of the jigsaw fit together to make it all worthwhile.

Who do factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach work for? Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

A large proportion of investigative assignments come from law firms for investigators, followed closely by insurance companies, then corporate clients and finally members of the public. Consequently, there is a broad client base for those factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach who choose to offer a “general practice.” Some people operate solely on behalf of insurance companies, providing surveillance services to expose exaggerated injury claims or long-term absenteeism in order to minimize claims.

If you’re serious about entering this industry of investigators, you should understand that those who are successful are professional factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach in the private sector who, by choice, would actually prefer not to be labeled as a PI or factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach.

What kind of training do I need? Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

It is estimated that around 45% of factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach operating in the private sector are former police officers. Whilst most of the work factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach now carry out will be of a civil nature, some of the skills factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach acquired in the police force are occasionally useful, as some matters can overlap into criminality.

Whilst that type of earlier training can be helpful, it is certainly not a pre-requisite, as an investigation in the private sector requires many different skills. Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Whilst there are some very good training providers out there, from whom genuine educational and practical skills can be acquired, you should be mindful that there are also numerous so-called ‘training academies’ that will print you off a fancy looking diploma once you have paid your money, which, quite frankly, will mean absolutely nothing to a potential client who is looking to check a factual investigators Miami Beach South Beach’s suitability. Choosing the right training provider is therefore vital.

Can I realistically break into the private investigation industry? Factual investigators in Miami Beach South Beach.

Please don’t be fooled into thinking that this is an easy business to get into, it is not. The avenues of entry are limited and you will be extremely lucky if you can obtain work with an established agency. That’s not to say you shouldn’t try!

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