The Wasser Agency - Infidelity Investigator Miami Beach South Beach

The Wasser Agency

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Infidelity Investigator Miami Beach South Beach

Few marital problems cause as much heartache and devastation as infidelity, which undermines the foundation of marriage itself. However, when both spouses are committed to authentic healing, most marriages survive and many marriages become stronger with deeper levels of intimacy.

Infidelity Investigator Miami Beach South Beach

Infidelity isn't a single, clearly defined situation, and what's considered infidelity varies among couples and even between partners in a relationship. For example, is an emotional connection without physical intimacy considered infidelity? What about online relationships? Each person and couple need to define for themselves what constitutes infidelity in the context of their marriage.

Many factors can contribute to infidelity, and most aren't fundamentally about sex. Some common reasons include:

  • Lack of affection
  • Loss of fondness and caring for each other
  • Breakdown of communication related to emotional and relationship needs
  • Physical health issues, such as chronic pain or disability
  • Mental health issues including depression, anxiety, ADD, learning disabilities or bipolar disorder
  • Addiction, including addiction to sex, gambling, drugs or alcohol
  • Unaddressed marital problems that have been building for years

The initial discovery of an affair usually triggers powerful emotions for both partners such as anger, betrayal, shame, depression, guilt or remorse. It is usually difficult at this time to think clearly enough to make long-term decisions.

Affairs causing infidelity, both physical and emotional, are devastating. It is estimated that approximately 46% of men and 25% of women will engage in an infidelity during the lifetime of their marriage. Infidelities, both physical and emotional, are devastating. The damage done after the discovery or revelation of an infidelity can destroy a marriage and family. Rebuilding a relationship after an infidelity, while certainly possible, can take a long time, and in some cases, may be unattainable. It is generally far better to prevent an infidelity from happening.

Be aware of the danger signs of infidelity. Specialists describe three signs that should indicate to a person that they have crossed a marital boundary and may be dangerously close to provoking an infidelity.

Emotional intimacy: Do you find yourself sharing deep thoughts and feelings with a member of the opposite sex? Do you discuss details of your marriage and problems? Would you not want your spouse to hear what you are saying?

Sexual tension: Do you find yourself sexually attracted to another person and imagine being with that person in a romantic way?

Secrecy: Do you leave out details of your day because they include spending time with the person you are attracted to? Do you lie to your spouse about this person? Be honest with yourself and your spouse and do not ignore these signs.

It is a common myth that only people who are living in an unhappy marriage engage in an infidelity. This is far from reality. Sometimes, even people in happy marriages can find themselves tempted to become involved with another person outside of the marriage. The best way to prevent infidelity is to mutually “affair proof” your marriage. The following tips may be helpful.

Honor your spouse by honoring your marriage vow of fidelity. Remind yourself daily of the commitment you and your spouse have made to one another. Frame a copy of your wedding vows and hang it someplace where you can see it daily as a gentle reminder of the vows you took. Fidelity is a decision and you and your spouse need to understand that you both intend to practice it.

Be aware of infidelity “danger zones.” The workplace and the Internet can be dangerous to your marriage. Many people that engage in affairs meet at work or online.

Extramarital affairs don’t “just happen.” Engaging in an affair can have devastating consequences that affect your life forever. There are clear steps and choices that lead into an affair. By following the above tips you can “affair proof” your marriage and prevent infidelity before it begins.

If you suspect that your partner is cheating, you want to confirm your suspicions as soon as possible. Statistics show that wives who suspect their partners of cheating are correct 85% of the time, while husbands who suspect their partners of cheating are correct 50% of the time. You may try to uncover the truth yourself, but oftentimes this is ineffective or could cause your partner to become even more secretive. The most effective way to monitor your partner’s actions is to hire a private investigator. Private investigators are professionals that are trained in gathering information and surveillance, and they are the best way to confirm infidelity.

Do not confront your partner until you have proof. While you should talk to your partner about concerns regarding other problems, with infidelity it is best to wait until you have proof. Proof, in this case, means hard evidence (e.g., pictures, catching them in person, etc.) that your partner has been unfaithful. If you confront your partner too soon or without evidence, they will just deny everything. They will also become more secretive and careful with their actions, making it even harder to obtain proof of their infidelity.

Look for signs of infidelity.

Before deciding to hire a private investigator it can be helpful to start gathering some information about your suspicions. Be very careful as you do this, as you do not want to be caught during this initial step. Also, keep in mind that signs of cheating are not the same as proof of an infidelity. The most common signs of infidelity include:

  • Notable increase or decrease in intimacy, affection levels, or sexual interest.
  • Suspicious phone habits like hiding their screen when it rings or being secretive about their text messages.
  • A marked change in appearance and hygiene, such as showering right when they get home from work, dressing up to do mundane things like grocery shopping, or wearing a new perfume or cologne.
  • Being overly secretive about their browser history and an increase in the amount of time they spend online, especially at night.
  • Changes in the work routine, like needing to work late often or having to go out of town for work.

Keep a journal of your partner’s whereabouts.

Infidelity Investigator Miami Beach South Beach

In order to track your partner’s changing behaviors, it is crucial that you start writing down important information. A cheating partner will often change their story or question your memory, and this journal will help you bring to light these inconsistencies.

Gather hard evidence

Without being too obvious or invasive, further your preliminary investigation by monitoring your partner’s habits and spending. In addition to keeping a journal about what they say, try to find some hard evidence about what they are doing. Watching your partner slyly can help build a case against them, which you can then use to find the right private investigator.

Discuss the matter with your personal attorney. If you are serious about hiring a private investigator, it is important that you speak with legal counsel about it beforehand. Marital disputes are fraught with legal issues, and having advice from a lawyer can help limit your exposure. Many attorneys also work with private investigators and may be able to recommend a PI that they have worked with or have heard is reputable.

Research licensed private investigators in your area. As you begin choosing a PI to help confirm your partner’s infidelity, it is extremely important that this person is a licensed, experienced PI. Most states have strict requirements to obtain an investigative license, including specific training classes, passing grades on assessment examinations, and a particular number of supervised field hours.

Choose a Private Investigator with experience in spousal infidelity investigations. Many private investigators have a specialty within the investigative industry. Rather than hiring any licensed Private Investigator, try to locate one that has a great deal of experience with marital investigations. These Private Investigators will be more experienced with the nuances of investigating a suspected of an infidelity, as opposed to a Private Investigator that typically investigates corporations or insurance fraud.

Ask each potential Private Investigator what their services include. If you want to be sure that the investigation is thorough, be sure to discuss specifics with each Private Investigator you are considering. For the most part, licensed Private Investigators will conduct their investigations per the standard methods they are trained on; however, it is important to be sure that your Private Investigator actually utilizes all the methods available to them. While a Private Investigator is unable to pose as law enforcement officers, tap wires, or obtain cell phone records via pretexting.

Shop around for the most reasonable price. Another factor to consider when choosing a private investigator is the cost of such an extensive professional investigation. The cost of a Private Investigator can vary widely based on the experience of the Private Investigator, the location(s) of the investigation, the prospective length of the investigation, and the difficulty of the investigation (like if the partner is a high-profile person).

Commit fully to the investigation. Once you have chosen a Private Investigator, the most important thing you can do is commit to the investigation. It is important that you give the Private Investigator all of the information you have on your partner from your own monitoring. It is also crucial that you answer any and all questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge. Holding anything back from the Private Investigator, even things that incriminate you and your own fidelity will only hinder the Private Investigator and disrupt the investigation. You need to be willing to speak openly with the Private Investigator about your situation, and you must be willing to find out the truth

Private investigators are licensed by the state to gather information and engage in surveillance. Private investigators understand what is permitted under state law. If the potential for legal proceedings exists (e.g., divorce, child custody, alimony, etc.), hiring a private investigator can help minimize your risk. Many people have obtained useful information about a spouse on their own but were unable to use the information because of how it was obtained.

Not only does hiring a private investigator help to minimize the risk of information being thrown out during legal procedures, but in most cases, PIs are allowed to testify on your behalf. And if negative information about your spouse is going to come out, it is usually beneficial to have a third party present the information; it will seem less biased and more credible.

Private Investigators are also better at collecting information because of their training, experience, and their lack of emotional involvement. Many people who try to catch a cheating spouse on their own, have a difficult time knowing what to look for or they become too upset while the process unfolds.

The best tool for any investigator in infidelity investigations are videos. The video is often the defining evidence in these cases. Because the evidence is on screen for all to see, most he/she said arguments are eliminated. To protect the evidence, investigators should use a new, clean tape or DVD every time. They never should record over existing information or they may be accused of altering the video. While it’s difficult to argue with the video, some targets will say, “That looks like me, but it’s not”. The investigator should let the attorneys deal with this problem. 

If both of you are committed to healing your relationship in spite of all the suffering and pain that might be present, the reward can be a new type of marriage that will continue to grow and likely exceed any of your previous expectations.

With high-profile celebrity divorces gracing the gossip website headlines, it’s easy to focus on Hollywood breakups. But divorces happen to “normal” couples in cities all over the United States, too; about 50 percent of the time. The 2009 American Community Survey sampled 3 million households to provide the first detailed information on marriages and divorces since a 1996 Center for Health Statistics report.

Miami, Florida

The sun doesn’t always shine on marriages in the Sunshine State. CNBC cites Florida as the state with one of the highest divorce rates, so it’s only natural that a few of its cities would be listed here, like for example Miami Beach. More than 5.4 million people call Miami Beach home, and almost 540,000 are divorcees; 13.9 percent of females are divorced; the rate for males comes in at just over 10 percent. Miami Beach has been making divorce rate headlines for decades. A 1988 archive of the Miami Beach Post reported Miami as having the second highest divorce rate in the country.

Another spot in Florida makes the Top 5 list of cities with the highest divorce rate. The Tampa Bay metropolitan area, which includes Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater; is home to more than 2.7 million people, and more than 280,000 of them are divorced; 11.6 percent of men and 14.2 percent of females.

Here are some facts of infidelity:

  • An infidelity usually occurs in the phase of companionate love, when couples begin to settle down, have kids, and solidify the life they built together. While they are fulfilled in some areas, like being a provider, other areas may be lacking, such as romance.
  • More than 60% of affairs start at work
  • A sudden change in a husband’s sex drive could be a red flag for an affair. When a man starts cheating, he becomes hyperactive sexually. After the affair is solid, he may pull away from his wife again.
  • Women tend to cheat for emotional satisfaction. Men cheat more from sexual motivation.
  • Infidelity is not the leading cause of divorce. While an affair can destroy a marriage, the main reason for divorce is money.
  • A study by infidelity site Victoria Milan revealed that over half of the couples on their site reported feeling the itch to cheat more when the weather warmed up.
  • A Binghamton University study linked genetic variation with infidelity. The same variation is associated with alcohol consumption, gambling, a love of horror films, and openness to new social situations.
  • While couple’s therapy can be enormously helpful for both partners, there is no specific timetable or way to heal from infidelity. Some experts suggest allowing the betrayed partner to discuss the affair for 15 minutes every day for as many days as needed.
  • Infidelity does not mean the marriage is over. Over 50% of marriages survive infidelity, although they may still break down from other underlying problems in the future.
  • Business trips are the most common settings for infidelity. More than one-third (36%) of men and 13% of women in one study reported that they gave into temptation on business trips. The temptation to cheat was especially high during the 6th –9th years of marriage when relationships are the most fragile anyway.
  • Researchers note that infidelities have increased even when divorce has become available, accepted, and largely nonstigmatized.
  • The statistics concerning infidelity of husbands who cheat on their wives range wildly, from 22%–70%, though the current acceptable statistic is that roughly half of all men have affairs.
  • If you are suspecting about your spouse cheating on you, The Wasser Agency have specialized private investigator with the best spy tools and gadgets to gather all evidence in case your feelings are true, let all in our hands and will give you the calm you need to solve your heart problems. We cover all Miami Beach/South Beach area.