Need a Private Investigator Miami Beach South Beach
What does a private investigator do? How do I know when to hire one? Will he be able to help me? These questions don't come up often, but when they do, I'm ready with a long list of answers.
Need a Private Investigator Miami Beach South Beach
Some people hire private investigators so routinely that it would be difficult for them to imagine completing a project whether it's personal or professional without one. Other people think a Private Investigator is just like an FBI agent, they're needed only when a catastrophe arises, such as a kidnapping or something equally tragic.
The need for a Private Investigator usually falls somewhere between never and always. Although most of the time you can handle matters on your own, there are times when you can truly benefit from a private investigator or investigative agency.
Most of the time you can handle matters on your own, however, there are times when you can truly benefit from a private investigator or investigative agency. The Wasser Agency can help you whenever you need to carry out an investigation; we can provide you with professional private investigators specialized in diverse areas of the investigation science.
When is a good time?
When you need to:
- obtain information on the whereabouts, identity, conduct or credibility of a person or company
- conduct background checks or searches of potential lovers, business partners or companies
- have someone followed to see if he or she is being deceitful
- pre-screen an applicant or business partner
- check the legitimacy of a potential investment
- help research a crime, wrongdoing or threat
- find the cause of fires, property damage or accidents and / or the persons responsible for them
- safeguard your business' premises, property, assets, people or even information
- locate and recover lost or stolen property
- verify employee's' claims, such as workers' compensation claims
- investigate a scene or interrogate a witness
- access up-to-date computer databases of public records
- debug your office or home
- Personal Help
- Background Searches
Private investigators often perform background checks of individuals or companies for law firms, corporations, and private citizens. Private Investigators search public records, conduct interviews and verify reference checks and facts to provide a detailed profile of someone.
Here's an example: Maria has survived two divorces and a handful of bad relationships. She broke up with most of the men because they lied to her. She's very trusting, and the revelations always came too late. Her current boyfriend, Peter, has recently proposed. A third divorce would be financially and emotionally devastating to Maria. She decides to consult a private investigator to get an objective report on Peter, a divorced man with no children. She'd like to see the information in his divorce file.
With instant access to public records, a private investigator can search court filings for details of a divorce, as well as any criminal or civil charges filed over the years. The private investigator can also check a financial background for state or federal tax liens, judgments, and bankruptcies, notices of default or hidden assets.
After receiving a copy of the background search, Maria feels confident to accept Peter's proposal.
If you need a surveillance work, you're usually ninety-nine percent certain that your partner is being deceitful, but you need proof in hand to confront your partner or to support your claims in court in filing for divorce or child custody (unless you live in a state that has no-fault divorce). If handled properly and professionally, an investigative service will gather evidence that will either confirm or eliminate your suspicions.
Maria knew Lucas was a womanizer. He didn't break up with his last girlfriend until two months after he began a hot relationship with Maria. Disturbing, but Maria loved him and hoped Lucas would be different.
Fast-forward one year. Now, she suspects that Lucas is up to his old tricks, maybe even dating his ex. He claims he's faithful, but Maria still believes he's lying. She needs definitive proof; for example, a videotape of him having sex in the car.
Every week, The Wasser Agency fields hundreds of calls asking about surveillance services. Eighty percent of the time the callers are female. We invite them in for a free consultation, we take down information on the individuals involved, explain the surveillance process and equipment, discuss fees and payment, and select the best time to conduct the surveillance.
We find it's faster and less costly to our clients if we assign a two-person team to the case. With only one private investigator, losing someone in traffic may add hours or days to the process and increase hourly mileage-rate totals. The team should have two-way radio communications along with video and digital cameras.
Need a Private Investigator Miami Beach South Beach
Adoptees, birth parents, relatives, former friends, lovers, spouses, co-workers, and employers can benefit from reuniting with a person from their past. Private investigators access databases, interview acquaintances, and piece together clue to track down people with whom you've lost contact. They can use public records to fill in missing information and uncover a new name, address, telephone number and Social Security number.
The difference between a good private investigator and a bad one is the difference between working with an ethical person who conducts business professionally and someone who may rip you off. The Yellow Pages directory is thick with Private Investigators who will promise to conduct a marital surveillance on your partner. But once they have your money, they head straight to your husband or wife and offer to fabricate a "good report card" for $500.
The best way to find a Private Investigator is by referral. Has a trusted friend recently hired a private investigator and was she happy with the results? If not, you'll have to start by preparing a list of prospective Private Investigators. These sources are good starting points:
- the duty agency of your local FBI;
- a clerk at your county's police department;
- the watch commander of the sheriff department;
- Private investigators working at the District Attorney's office;
- criminal defense lawyers;
- your state's association of private investigators. But this suggestion comes with a qualifier: State associations tend to recommend only members; Private Investigators aren't obligated to belong to these associations and many of the good ones don't.
What skills are needed to be a private investigator?
Qualities of an investigator:
- Good judgment
- Gregariousness
- Integrity
- Tenacity
- Patience
- Tolerance of frustration
- Love of learning
- No bragging
- Ethics
- Intelligence
Knowledge of an investigator:
- Knowledge of legal procedures
- Knowledge of the law
- Contacts
- Literacy
Abilities of an investigator:
- Ability to read people
- Good memory
- Delegation
- Ability to follow directions
- Ability to use initiative
- Communication
- Wisdom
- Listening
There are Pros and Cons for using both local and national private investigators. If you are going to be conducting investigations throughout the country it may be useful to have one point of contact at a national firm verse trying to find investigators covering each area, and making sure all of the investigations are on track. But if your specific need is centralized around one particular area there may be advantages of using a local private investigator. Local private investigators typically offer a faster response time and can apply special attention to your case. Many feel that being able to speak directly to the investigator that will be in the field who can provide valuable insight into the case and help streamline the reporting process.
One advantage of using a national company is that they typically have contracts in place with local private investigators throughout the country that they use as subcontractors. This allows a faster response as they can call around and find an investigator that has the availability to work your case. This may also be considered a disadvantage as your case is now being handled by an investigator that you know nothing about.
Recent surveys conducted have determined that local private investigators on average have more than three times the years of experience over the investigators working for the national companies.
It really comes down to your particular needs and desired level of oversight during the course of the investigation.
This will vary widely based on the type of investigation as well as the investigative company that you select. Some local private investigators can respond to a surveillance request within a couple of hours from receiving the first phone call (with retainer payment) while others may need day’s if not weeks. It is important to remember that although you have questions that you want to be answered quickly, the success of an investigation is greatly improved when a thorough and detailed pre-surveillance interview with the client is conducted. A private investigator may also want to inspect the area where the surveillance is going to take place. This allows the private investigator to formulate a plan to ensure the correct resources and manpower is available to execute the investigation or surveillance as smoothly as possible.
The answer to this varies based on the type of investigation requested. Most investigations are billed by the hour and are not contingent on a certain outcome. Some investigations will offer services such as a skip-trace or a records search where the charges will be refunded if the information is not obtained. Each company will have a slightly different policy on what is charged for and what is not, that is why it is so important to read over the retained agreement prior to having a private investigator start a case.
Yes, and No. As a private investigator does not have police powers they are allowed onto property just as any other citizen would be without the need for a warrant. A private investigator always faces the risk of being charged with trespassing if clearly posted signs and common sense are not followed. But an experienced private investigator can typically use a well thought out pre-text to give a plausible reason to enter the property and obtain the information needed and then exit without being discovered or breaking the law. In most cases, a private investigator will not go onto private property unless it is crucial to the outcome of the investigation as it heightens the chance of being discovered.
In The Wasser Agency, we offer professional investigator to carry out the process of any type of investigation you need. We are located in Miami Beach/South Beach – Florida. Contact us for advice.