The Wasser Agency - Private Investigation | Private Investigator | Miami Florida

The Wasser Agency

License# A8500094

Private Investigator in Miami, FL. Surveillance Investigation Miami and Divorce Investigation. South Beach Investigator. Miami Investigator

Private Investigation Miami florida

The Wasser Agency can provide you with the simplest of background checks to the most detailed product liability investigation and everything in between.

For the Florida Security and Investigation, The Wasser Agency is committed to bringing our clients a wide range of quality investigative and surveillance services to help answer your questions as you deserve to know the truth! Please, see below some of the private investigations services we offer. Whether you need a simple background check or an extensive fraud investigation, we have the knowledge and experience to discreetly obtain the answers you need.


Civil Investigation

For both business entities and private parties, timely access to the right information can make all the difference in discovering a breach or preventing one from occurring. This Agency has the knowledge and experience to plan, staff and implement a high level civil investigation to meet your personal interest or business needs. From simple to complicated civil investigations, with the utmost honesty and integrity, The Wasser Agency provides focused, accurate and relevant analysis, of whomever and whatever, your target might be.

Criminal Investigation

When a crime has been committed, on business or personal property, you need answers and you need them fast and private. Who is responsible, why did it happen, how can future instances be prevented etc. The sooner you act, the better your chances of resolving any current infractions and preventing any reoccurrences. It is critical to have an investigation partner ready and standing by for when you need it most. We are a company that has the flexibility to respond immediately, along with the right experience to provide insight and make recommendations that go beyond the ordinary. We provide answers to the most important questions of your criminal investigation and located in Miami Florida.

Fraud Investigation

Unfortunately, more and more individuals and businesses are becoming the victims of all types of fraud. You often hear about it happening to others, but when you become a victim personally, you understand firsthand the need to have answers fast. These answers can often lead to the source of the crime. Just like in a criminal investigation, quick action can help you spot vulnerable areas and help prevent future acts.  For a private, speedy and detailed investigation by our team of knowledgeable and experienced fraud experts you can call at The Wasser Agency in Miami Florida.

Domestic Investigation

Concerns about spouses or family members come in many different forms, from infidelity to asset theft. During these delicate and emotional situations, it is critical that you have the knowledge you need, when you need it, in order to make the decision that is in your best interests. Whatever the task, we have the investigatigation background and in depth experience to help you make sure your next move is the right one for you.

International Investigation

If you are the victim of a crime or fraud that goes beyond our borders or you need overseas intelligence as part of a major security operation or special event, this company can help you although it is located in Miami Florida. Whatever your needs may be, our dedicated investigative team has the experience, knowledge, discretion( they are private) and sensitivity to devise and implement a discreet high-level fact gathering mission.

Investigation of Tenant & Employee Background Check

Provides comprehensive individual and group package background research investigations that include in-depth due diligence and reporting on all levels. This includes tenant screenings, eviction history, social security verification, comprehensive criminal history, credit reporting, civil investigations, skip tracing, asset searches, employment and education verification, motor vehicle records, workers compensation claims, insurance fraud and employee screenings. The results of our findings are provided in a concise, accurate and professional report with unsurpassed turnaround time.

Photo and Video Evidence Surveillance

Today more than ever, businesses need and rely on surveillance to provide facts as well as protect and monitor individuals and locations. This can be as a precautionary measure or in the event of suspicious activity. In either case, effective and accurate documentation of subjects and locations is essential. They have both the expertise and experience to carry out any surveillance operation, no matter what the scope or circumstances might be. As always, with The Wasser in Miami you can expect our private investigators to be honest, intelligent, stealthy and professional.

Loss Prevention

In many business sectors, the margin between success and failure is typically quite small. When an area of loss continues to affect a business, the results are never good. Whether it’s a large corporation or a specialty boutique, losses of all kinds count against the bottom line. From preventing shoplifting and warehouse theft to protection from embezzlement and adversary actions, legal or otherwise, you can rely on the loss prevention experts at the Wasser Agency to devise and implement a plan that works and private investigation for your business, at a price that’s right for any budget.

Skip Tracing

Skip tracing involves finding people who don't want to be found. This isn't the same as bail bond recovery or bounty hunting. A skip trace can also be done to recover money from a bad debt. The debt can be to a business or an individual. Skip tracing is often combined with asset searches to find the money that is owed.

The Wasser Agency has the ability to track down individuals through several different means. This allows us to get you your information within a reasonable amount of time while keeping your costs down.

Our state of the art information database and private investigation allows us to locate individuals all over the country at the press of a button. Our database resources also allow us to track individuals in the same manner within our offices.

If you are trying to locate a long-lost family member, friend or even a "dead-beat dad" we have the resources and know how to find them quickly and efficiently. We are quite proud of our successful track record.

The Wasser Agency is the oldest, largest, and most experienced Private Investigative Agency in Miami, Florida. We are a full service Agency serving the private sector and legal community with investigations.  Our Investigations and Security services are available throughout North America, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. All cases are performed by our professional and experienced staff, consisting of former Law Enforcement officers with unmatched investigation experience and credentials. We specialize in working with each client individually, discreetly and confidentially. We are a fully licensed and insured Agency. All services and communications are strictly confidential.

It is important that you know that before hiring a detective or agency in Florida, contact the appropriate state licensing authority to confirm current licensing information. To verify a license, visit the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Licensing, Bureau of License Issuance.

Discreet and Confidential Executive Protection and Criminal Investigations

For more than two decades, we have extended our services to both Government officials and Private dignitaries, domestically and overseas. Whether at home or business, and on land, sea or in the air, our agents operate confidentially, quickly and conveniently in conjunction with each client’s lifestyle, natural environment and schedule and we are available in Miami Florida.

Investigation Corporate Security, Protection and Intelligence Specialists

The agency offers exceptional expertise and routinely delivers crucial information and intelligence that our clients need to make educated decisions; whether during the normal course of business or in critical times. We have a global network of credentialed consultants providing trusted investigations worldwide that make up our corporate support staff. We have realized the increasing demand for corporate support services such as security, protection, and intelligence and responded accordingly by offering custom services to meet this demand. We are confident that our decades of experience and our extensive operational, intelligence and combat experience in the field of protection and intelligence will meet even the most discriminating client’s needs.

Another thing that is relevant is , if you need a private investigation in Miami you should have knowledge of that The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Licensing, licenses and regulates the private investigative industry in accordance with Chapter 493, Florida Statutes. Private investigators and private investigations agencies serve in positions of trust. Untrained and unlicensed persons or businesses, or persons not of good moral character, are a threat to the public safety and welfare. The private investigatigation industry is regulated to ensure the interests of the public are adequately served and protected. This information has been made available to inform Florida citizens about licensing requirements.

A private investigator is any individual or agency that, for consideration, advertises as providing or performs the following activities. Individuals or agencies providing or advertising as providing these services for consideration must be licensed.

Subcontracting with the government to determine crimes or wrongs done or threatened against the United State.

Determining the identity, habits, conduct, movements, whereabouts, affiliations, associations, transactions, reputation or character of any society, person, or group of persons.

  • The credibility of witnesses or other persons.
  • The whereabouts of missing persons, owners of abandoned or escheated property, or heirs to estates.
  • The location or recovery of lost or stolen property.
  • The causes or origin of fires, libels, slanders, losses, accidents, damage, or injuries to real or personal property.
  • Securing evidence to be used before investigating committees or boards of award or arbitration or trial of civil or criminal cases.