The Wasser Agency - Private Investigator Salary | Private Investigator | Miami Florida

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License# A8500094

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Private investigator salary Miami Florida

The average yearly salary for Investigator in Miami, Florida is $46,887. If you are just beginning to work a new job as an Investigator in Miami, Florida, you could earn a starting pay rate of $38,613 annually. As is true for most jobs and careers, you can expect your hourly pay rate or salary to increase as you gain experience and the longer you are employed with the same employer. In Miami you could potentially make an average income of around $55,161 after several years on the job with increased salaries. When pursuing your career of choice, you should compare salaries of similar professions and factor in variables such as health benefits and potential for raises and promotions over time.

Below we present a series of salary statistics as the case of the private investigator in Miami Florida

Yearly Investigator Pay Statistics in Miami, Florida

Average Yearly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $37,510 - $56,265

Starting Yearly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $30,890 - $46,336

Top Yearly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $44,129 - $66,194

Monthly Investigator Pay Statistics in Miami, Florida

Average Monthly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $3,126 - $4,689

Starting Monthly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $2,574 - $3,861

Top Monthly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $3,677 - $5,516

Hourly Investigator Pay Statistics in Miami, Florida

Average Hourly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $17 - $25

Starting Hourly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $14 - $21

Top Hourly Investigator Salary in Florida

  • $20 - $30

Another important information that affects salaries of a private Investigator is the Gender and Age, because, some professions tend to be geared toward various age groups of workers and certain genders more than others. The average private Investigator age in Miami Florida is 36 years old. As it pertains to men vs. women, 48% of private Investigator are male in Florida, and 52% of the private Investigator are female in Florida.

But, about the Salaries for private Detectives, private Homicide Detectives, Criminologists and private Criminal Investigators in Florida, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity found that the median and average salaries for detectives, homicide detectives, criminologists and criminal investigators in Florida were $64,625 and $72,924 respectively. It is notable that the difference between entry-level and experienced salary was found to be 49%.

A large number of private investigators are employed in Miami, Florida.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2,160 PIs had jobs in the state in 2012.  Salary data for that year indicated that the average annual private investigator salary in Florida was $43,980.  Those in the top ten percent of wage earners made $65,550 a year.

The metropolitan area with the highest average salary of Florida cities listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics was North Port-Bradenton-Sarasota.  It was $54,500 in 2012.

Private investigators working outside of cities can also earn high salaries in Florida.  The average wage in the nonmetropolitan area of northeast Florida was $41,110—the top paying nonmetropolitan area in the country.

Private investigators in Florida that specialize in finance and insurance can expect to earn significantly more than the average, according to the state of Florida.  Their median salary was $66,143 as compared to $41,200 for private investigators as a whole in the state.  Only five percent of Florida’s PIs were employed in this area, however.

Licensing through the state’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is required to become a private investigator in Florida. A Class “C” license is required for individuals who work as private investigators in Florida.  An additional Class “G” license is required for PIs who wish to carry a firearm.

To obtain a Class “C” license, applicants must either have two years of verifiable full-time experience working in investigations.  Education in criminal justice, law enforcement administration, criminology or having obtained training for law enforcement officers can substitute for a year of this experience.

You can find your future, being a private investigator and get your license in Miami Florida; therefore a person working as a private investigator can expect to earn about $19 per hour or $40,050 per year on average in Florida and about $20 per hour or $41,760 per year on average in the U.S. as a whole. Earnings for private investigators are not quite as good as earnings in the general category of Police and Security in Florida and not quite as good as general Police and Security category earnings nationally. Jobs in this field include: investigator, security analyst, and asset protection manager.