The Wasser Agency - Coconut Grove | Private Investigator | Coconut Grove Florida

The Wasser Agency

License# A8500094

Private Investigator in Miami, FL. Surveillance Investigation Miami and Divorce Investigation. South Beach Investigator. Miami Investigator

PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS In Coconut Grove our  are waiting for you

1.     Quality checklist our private investigator’s gather

  • Licensed private investigator’s in Coconut Grove.

First of all check the private investigator you are getting in contact is Licensed.

Since it's easier in some states for a person to call himself a private investigator, you don't want to rely merely on the title as a final qualification. A few states have no requirements-anybody can call himself a private investigator and try to make a living at it. That’s not the case of private investigators in Coconut Grove but other states demand very little to qualify; some allow people to be identified as a private investigator if they work exclusively with one attorney.

The majority of states, however, have specific requirements. In these states, private investigators must have investigative experience. The amount of time required varies and may be reduced based on education.

  • Experienced private investigator’s in Coconut Grove

What type of educational background do they have? In law enforcement? Private investigation? Do they have technical skills, such as computer savvy? In what area is their specialty? Are there areas in which they're inexperienced, such as computer security or polygraphs? Will this affect your needs?

Find out how many years they've been practicing private investigation in Coconut Grove and how many of their cases were like yours.

Ask our private investigators in Coconut Grove How did those cases turn out?

  • Clean Record of private investigation practice in Coconut Grove

Contact your state association of private investigators to see if any complaints have been registered or disciplinary actions filed against the investigator.

  • The good Character of your private investigator in Coconut Grove

What overall impression do you receive from this person? Is his first concern money? (Your needs come first.) Can you trust him? What are his thoughts on confidentiality? Has this person shown an ethical nature, a sense of decency?

While private investigators are not officially held to an attorney-client or doctor-patient level of confidentiality, a good private investigator will honor this. He will never surrender an informant or information, and will keep private everything shared between the two of you.

Some clients worry that their identities may be revealed if a private investigator is confronted by the person being investigated. A good private investigator would never disclose his client's name. This protects you. If the surveillance fails, you at least haven't suffered any repercussions because of it.

There are times, however, when a private investigator would want to let subjects know they're being investigated, such as in a pre-employment screening. This technique discourages applicants who have something in their backgrounds that would disqualify them.

  • Our private investigators Can Testify In Court

People with a law enforcement or federal agent background know the system and how to work within it. They can produce evidence or other legal materials that will hold up in court. They also are prepared to testify in support of it. Make sure the investigator in Coconut Grove you choose has this background. Ask if the private investigator in Coconut Grove is prepared to come to court if the situation requires it. Also find out if he has ever testified in a similar case and if there is anything in his past that could prevent him from taking the stand.

Remember, if your situation ends up in the court system, your case will be that much stronger if your the private investigator in Coconut Grove, Florida is adept at testifying and presenting the information the private investigator's uncovered.

To be considered an expert and eligible to testify, a private investigator in Coconut Grove will be asked a series of qualifying questions by the judge that may focus on his background, education, experience and anything else that may determine if the private investigator is an "expert."

"Some other speciall skills to be aware of as a client, in order to get the private investigator that you need in coconut grove, are the private investigator’s ability of Knows Human Nature, Works Out Of An Office, Clearly Spells Out Fees… and most important of all, that the private investigator Has Good Rapport With You."

Do you connect with the private investigator in Coconut Grove? Does the private investigator in Coconut Grove understand your situation? Does the private investigator in Coconut Grove maintain eye contact? Do you feel comfortable with the private investigator in Coconut Grove, Florida you contacted? You're trusting him with the confidentiality of your situation as well as the information he uncovers, which may affect many of the people closest to you. The private investigator in Coconut Grove should treat your case with sensitivity.

Is his conversation free of any patronizing or condescending remarks? Do you feel comfortable enough to ask all your questions? Are his answers satisfying? Do you leave the office with a sense of hope?

A good private investigator is as professional in the delivery of information as the private investigator in Coconut Grove, Florida is in gathering it. As his client, you should feel the private investigator in Coconut Grove, Florida is looking out for your best interests.


There are 4 basic types of electronic bugs that our private investigators in Coconut Grove mannage. Don’t let your case on improvisers hands, trust in the experience of our private investigator in Coconut Grove.

a)      ACCOUSTIC – An acoustic bug directly intercepts communications with the naked ear without the use of electronics. It is installed by our private investigators in Coconut Grove.  Common methods include the use of a water glass or a stethoscope placed on the wall, installed by our private investigators in Coconut Grove. It is also used where sound leaks through windows, ventilation shafts and poorly installed power outlets, down the coordinationg of our private investigators in Coconut Grove.

b)      ULTRASONIC BUG – This type of bug converts sounds into an audio signal that is slightly above the range of human hearing. It is installed by our private investigators in Coconut Grove. The bug is then intercepted by a nearby device and converted back into human range audio. Our private investigators in Coconut Grove use this divice with a simple audio pressure waves and create a radio (RF) signal.

c)      RADIO FREQUENCY BUG – This is the most well know type of bugging device. A radio device is hidden by our private investigator from Coconut Grove in a certain area or in some kind of device. Although they are cheap, disposable, easy to detect, they are also difficult to trace back to the individual who installed it. An accomplished TSCM technician can detect these devices but it takes time, even for the experts. Remember that a professionally conducted bug sweep typically takes hours and sometimes days to complete.

d)      OPTICAL BUG – An optical bug is a device use by our private investigators in Coconut Grove, that converts sound into an optical pulse (beam of light). They can be active or passive laser listening devices installed by our private investigator in Coconut Grove. The good news is they are rarely used, easily detected and extremely expensive which basically limits them to governments and very high profile corporations.

3.     The Wasser Agency specialized private investigators are able to help you 24/7, give us a call at 305-278-8700.  


Find us at 13611 South Dixie Highway Miami, Florida, 33176, or give us a call: 305-278-8700.

In The Wasser Agency, we have the very best private investigators and surveillance resource in Coconut Grove, you or your company effectively acquire an intelligence division, so get in conctac with our private investigators from Coconut Grove. Our professionals will meet your needs for surveillance operations in Coconut Grove, skip tracing/debt collection in Coconut Grove - Florida, pre-employment background checks in Coconut Grove - Florida, Employee fraud detection and prevention in Coconut Grove, Crisis Management in Coconut Grove - Florida, asset determination in Coconut Grove, deleted computer data recovery in Coconut Grove - Florida, security and risk assessments in Coconut Grove, loss prevention strategies in Coconut Grove - Florida, as well as:

  • Infidelity investigation in Coconut Grove
  • Debtor collection in Coconut Grove
  • Asset Tracing and recovery in Coconut Grove
  • Background check in Coconut Grove
  • Due diligence and pre contract verifications in Coconut Grove
  • DNA testing services in Coconut Grove
  • Fraud Investigations in Coconut Grove
  • Insurance claims investigations in Coconut Grove
  • Overseas professional investigations in Coconut Grove
  • Photographic evidence gathering in Coconut Grove
  • Document verification in Coconut Grove
  • Skip tracing in Coconut Grove
  • Surveillance in Coconut Grove
  • Tracing of missing persons, friends and family, witnesses, etc. in Coconut Grove
  • Cctv camera sale and installation in Coconut Grove
  • Mobile spy software/ cheaters spy software in Coconut Grove

4.     Ask yourself this questions and be prepared to a free consultation

  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, what is your role? 
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, Are you or is someone in danger for life or otherwise? 
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, By what date do the services need to be complete? 
  • Do you have "Broadband" internet access? (DSL/CABLE/T1/OC12)
  • Is there use of computers involved?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, Do you use voicemail?
  • What type of building is to be inspected?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, How many locations will need to be inspected?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, How many people are involved?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, How many phone lines do you have?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, How many computers are in question?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, How may extensions and/or handsets are in use?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, What is the total square feet of the location to be examined?
  • Are you aware of any encryption or passwords in use?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, have you considered counter-surveillance?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, How many subjects may be involved?
  • Is there a civil suit pending or has been filed?
  • Our private investigators in Coconut Grove could ask, was there a police report created?

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